Wide range of services for any type of activity or economic sector.


Excellence under the highest quality and safety standards.


We know how to meet the energy and nutritional needs of our clients, with the highest food safety standards while making them feel at home.

Quality and safety Standards

We are recognized for providing catering services of excellence from all points of view. We comply with all the requirements of the Argentine Food Code, from the required authorization to the constant training of our personnel by qualified chefs and professionals in food quality and health and safety.

Accommodation and Housekeeping

Cleaning and hygiene solutions adapted to any type of requirements and/or facilities, with programs in line with the demands of current times.


Comprehensive, corrective, operational and preventive care of equipment and facilities.

Environmental Management

Waste sorting, treatment, transport and disposal services provided while ensuring health care and environmental protection

Professional expertise and services tailored to the client's requirements and needs.

No matter whether the project is small, simple and short-term or big, complex and long-term, we cover all phases of the project’s life cycle, from planning to execution, regardless of the industry.